In the context of participating in the creation of a solidarity student movement with Palestine: the SSSP detained the student Ziad Besiouni in Case No. 1941/2024 on charges of joining an illegal group and spreading false news.

EFHR monitored on May 13, 2024, the decision of the State Security Prosecution (SSSP) to detain student Ziad Mohamed Ahmed El-Besioni (a student at the Institute of Arts, 20 years old) in Case No. 1941/2024, on charges of joining an illegal group and spreading false news. The prosecution accused Ziad based on his involvement in establishing a student movement in solidarity with Palestine (Students for Palestine). He was imprisoned by SSSP after he disappeared for 4 days following his arrest.

Ziad was arrested from his home early on Thursday, May 9, and was taken to one of the State Security headquarters, where he was unlawfully interrogated several times about his participation, along with others, and has been asked about a movement called Students for Palestine. This movement aims to invite students and faculty members at Egyptian universities to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause and facilitate or exempt Palestinians in Egypt from tuition fees, as well as urging the Ministry of Education to ban products supporting Israel. This movement also issued a statement refusing the occupation of the Rafah region. It is worth mentioning that Ziad remained blindfolded and handcuffed during his detention at the National Security headquarters until he was presented to the State Security Prosecution for interrogation.

EFHR reiterates its condemnation of the continued targeting by the Egyptian authorities of citizens who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, based on exercising their constitutional right to peaceful expression of their opinion, as well as their right to peaceful association and assembly. EFHR considers that these practices reveal the ongoing closure of the political horizon and public space in Egypt, and the use of counter-terrorism measures to target and silence opponents and free voices from politicians and the new young generations.

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