Fair trial
Introduction: The Egyptian Front for Human Rights issues (EFHR) this annual monitoring report to track the performance of Terrorism Circuits Courts (TCC) in the pre-trial phase and monitor their performance in sessions to renew the detention orders of defendants before…
The Egyptian Front for Human Rights published a report entitled: “A Judiciary President” on using Emergency State Security Courts to Prosecute Political Activists and Human Rights defenders, to shed light on continued human rights violations targeting different segments of civil…
Egyptian Front for Human Rights has observed the performance of the terrorism circuits in reviewing the renewal of pretrial detention orders during 2020, as well as the number of cases, defendants, the release decisions and decisions to maintain imprisonment. The…
Egyptian Front for Human Rights has published today a report named: ” 336 days of violations ” on violations against dissidents imprisoned in five state security cases during 2020. In light of the large number of cases pending before the State…
The Egyptian Front monitored the terrorism circuits during the first half of 2020 to renew the pretrial detention of at least 8,311 defendants, in which it has issued decisions to release approximately 122 of them, or about 1.5% of the…
Egyptian Front documented a pattern of violations in the Terrorism Circuit Courts (TCCs) similar to other exceptional courts in Egypt that don’t comply with the guarantees of the right to fair trial. We focused our analysis on cases that have…
Egyptian Front published a report on violations of the rights in the State Security Case 1358/2019, which includes a number of activists from Independence party who have been subjected to a number of violations since their arrest such as enforced…
Egyptian Front published a report called: “Stifling the public sphere in Egypt” about the violations committed against defendants held on remand in 8 state security cases for the exercise of their right to organize, freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly…
Egyptian Front published a report on violations of the rights in the State Security Case 741/2019, which includes a number of activists such as Mustafa Maher and Haitham Mohamedin, and Mrs. Rania Al-Goaili, who have been subjected to a number…
North Sinai has been in a continuous state of emergency since October 2014 under the pretext of the war on terror, which makes it vulnerable for ongoing violations of the basic rights for individuals. On February 9, 2018, following the…
In October 12, 2017, 299 defendants – 203 detainees and 96 fugitives – were referred- by the Northern Military Prosecution in Cairo in case No. 64 of 2017, known as the Assistant Attorney General or the Case of Hasm Movement…
The first half of year 2018 has witnessed exacerbating apprehension and detention of politicians, journalists, bloggers, and human rights activists against the backdrop of their political activism as well as expressing their opinions freely. This came in conjunction with…
{:en}Geneva, August 2019 “There is no doubt that the respect for human rights and the application of guarantees of fair trial is the higher goal of a developed democratic society that safeguards the rights of citizens, guarantees their equality before…
Default situation is violation is a report published by Egyptian Front and Belady Center to analysis the violations which the defendants faced in case No. 64 of 2017 military crimes north of Cairo, Known by the assassination of the Assistant…