Fair trial

North Sinai has been in a continuous state of emergency since October 2014 under the pretext of the war on terror, which makes it vulnerable for ongoing violations of the basic rights for individuals. On February 9, 2018, following the…

In October 12, 2017, 299 defendants – 203 detainees and 96 fugitives – were referred- by the Northern Military Prosecution in Cairo in case No. 64 of 2017, known as the Assistant Attorney General or the Case of Hasm Movement…

  The first half of year 2018 has witnessed exacerbating apprehension and detention of politicians, journalists, bloggers, and human rights activists against the backdrop of their political activism as well as expressing their opinions freely. This came in conjunction with…

{:en}Geneva, August 2019 “There is no doubt that the respect for human rights and the application of guarantees of fair trial is the higher goal of a developed democratic society that safeguards the rights of citizens, guarantees their equality before…