Police surveillance and precautionary measures
For a long time, police probation has increasingly been applied on regular criminals to later include political activists arrested and sentenced to prison in protesting, mobbing, and bullying cases. Those who were sentenced to police probation have to spend a…
The undersigned organizations call upon the Egyptian authorities to stop using police supervision penalty and precautionary measures, and call for the unconditional release of those subjected to it. These measures restrict the freedom of the observed, and place them under the eyes of the various security bodies. This can be considered as an extension of the systematic policies of the Egyptian authorities to encircle freedom of opinion and expression. The organizations also express their full solidarity with those subject to such sanctions and arbitrary measures.
# 6pmChallenge – Take a picture at 6pm and share a challenge with 3 other people! Why “6 pm Challenge”? In Egypt, up to 60,000 political prisoners are held unjustly in prisons. In prison are often torture, closure in isolation…
Despite their release from prison, the surveillance is a major challenge for Maher and Adel to restore their social and personal lives.