
{:en}Joint Submission by: Egyptian Taskforce for Human Rights Related to: Egypt’s UPR UPR session: 34th session of UPR (13th November 2019) This report presents the collective account of Egyptian Human Rights organizations based within and outside Egypt, regarding…

{:en}Geneva, August 2019 “There is no doubt that the respect for human rights and the application of guarantees of fair trial is the higher goal of a developed democratic society that safeguards the rights of citizens, guarantees their equality before…

{:en}North Sinai has been in a continuous state of emergency since October 2014 under the pretext of the war on terror, which makes it vulnerable for ongoing violations of the basic rights for individuals. On November 29, 2017, following the…

In the years following July 2013 the judicial authorities began to issue death sentences excessively in cases where civilians were tried before military courts or before extraordinary chambers such as terrorism tribunals in civil courts. During this period, the authorities carried out executions in 13 cases involving acts of political violence, eight of which were before military courts and five cases before civil courts, the last of which was the executing of nine persons in the case commonly known as “the assassination of the Attorney General” which was widely condemned on local and international levels, raising the number of executed persons in more than five years ago to at least 47 people. In which the defendants faced – with the rest of convicts in these cases – gross violations, breaching the most basic standards of fair trial, which must be met, especially in the death penalty cases.

This manual presents documentation methodology of violations of the rights of the accused through analyzing official documents of cases in Egyptian courts. It intends to monitor and analyze arbitrary measures and violations committed against the accused, especially in political cases, by judicial authorities and law enforcement personnel. Such measures violate rights guaranteed by the Constitution and International Conventions from the moment of arrest, through the process of investigation and trial, and until the accused is sentenced, after all litigation procedures established by Egyptian law are exhausted..

The Egyptian authorities must uphold their legal obligation to protect the rights of children, in particular those arrested or detained, said Amnesty International and the Egyptian Front for Human Rights on World Children’s day. Egyptian security forces have forcibly disappeared at least 12 and physically tortured at least six children since 2015 in relation to political cases. Prison officials have failed to separate children from adults in places of detention, while both civilian and military courts regularly prosecuted and sentenced children along with adults in military trials and even sentenced at least three to death.

The first half of year 2018 has witnessed exacerbating apprehension and detention of politicians, journalists, bloggers, and human rights activists against the backdrop of their political activism as well as expressing their opinions freely. This came in conjunction with el-Sisi’s…

This report seeks to open a discussion on police probation punishment in Egypt since it regarded as a pattern of violations that Egyptian opposition face due to their political activism. According to law number 99 for the year 1945, persons…