Default situation is violation is a report published by Egyptian Front and Belady Center to analysis the violations which the defendants faced in case No. 64 of 2017 military crimes north of Cairo, Known by the assassination of the Assistant Attorney General.
A large number of accused in the case faced several violations of their rights guaranteed by the amended Constitution 2014, where many of them were subjected to enforced disappearance for long periods in the headquarters of the National Security Service, where they suffered various kinds of physical and moral coercion. In addition, the Public Prosecutor’s Office did not allow a large number of accused to use the services of a private lawyer, nor did they transfer a large number of defendants immediately to the Department of forensic medicine after being alleged to have been subjected to torture in order to ascertain the accuracy of their statements. The case also included the lack of investigations and the reliance on anonymous information, in addition to the exposure of a number of children to violations in violation of international conventions and the Egyptian law of the child.
to read the report in English